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Release Date - 2019. Thriller. country - Spain. actor - Antonia San Juan. info - A mysterious place, an indescribable prison, a deep hole. An unknown number of levels. Two inmates living on each level. A descending platform containing food for all of them. An inhuman fight for survival, but also an opportunity for solidarity. writed by - David Desola






El hoyo film online. El hoyo Movie online store. I am glad that the topic of Pica was raised in this film. I have been struggling with this disease for 12 years (I am 18) and I know from my own experience how difficult it is to cure this. Most people know this disease from My strange addiction and find Pica ridiculous, they laugh that sick people drink gas or eat sand, they don"t pay attention to the psychological problems this people face and how difficult it is to live in a society full of hatred directed at abnormal people. This disease is often associated with other mental illnesses or can cause them(because of Pica I"m struggling also with depression and stalking paranoia. I personally try not to talk about my illness but I hope that after this movie some people will look differently, with understanding at people dealing with Pica ?.

Obvió, había un plato para cada persona

Ive seen this trailer twice, once months ago, and now, both times I thought she was starving herself- WOW.


Comentario 314... Todo se arreglaria si hubieran alternado esa cosa q bajaba la comida, undia que subiera y otro qe bajara. El hoyo movies online. El hoyo 2019 movie watch online. El hoyo full movie online free. El hoyo Movie online pharmacy. ZomByte: Nadie es igual despues de ver el hoyo. de Netflix 3 doritos después dejemos esos chistes del hoyo, que esto de la cuarentena me tiene irritante. فیلم یأتی فی وقت مناسب مع إنتشار فایروس کورونا لیذکر البشر بأهمیة وضرورة التضامن وأهمیة الجماعیة على الفرد و العواقب الوخیمة التی قد تتبعها. It looks interesting but I don"t think that I could stomach it. El hoyo Movie online casino. UNLIMITED TV SHOWS & MOVIES SIGN IN A slab of food descends floor by floor in a prison. The inmates above eat heartily, leaving those below starving and desperate. A rebellion is imminent. Starring: Iván Massagué, Antonia San Juan, Zorion Eguileor Watch all you want for free. Watch Now on Netflix Winner of TIFF"s People"s Choice Award. Nominated for three Goyas, including Best New Director (Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia) and Best Original Screenplay. Additional Videos The Platform More Details Watch offline Available to download This movie is... Violent, Dark Audio German, German, English, English, European Spanish - Audio Description, European Spanish [Original], European Spanish - Audio Description, European Spanish [Original], French, French, Italian, Italian Subtitles German, English, European Spanish, French, Simplified Chinese Cast Iván Massagué Antonia San Juan Zorion Eguileor Emilio Buale Alexandra Masangkay Coming Soon.

El hoyo movie online free. The movie is scarier than the trailer. A horrifyingly apt portrayal of what humans are capable of when their survival instinct kicks in. It truly unleashes the madness within. The movie is just a gory, darker version of the reality we"re living in where the heirarchy of class still exists and morals are just put to shit when the question is of survival. I understand the message or the need to make people think about the society... but this is just throwing everything to your face in an obvious manner. no story-telling, uninspired can see how the story ends from miles ahead. there are so many films with better "film-making" and similar intentions.
It could be good if you have never taken a moment to think about the world and this movie made you do as such.

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