Viooz Full Movie It Chapter Two

It Chapter Two Viooz




  • audience Score - 173229 vote
  • Actors - Bill Hader
  • release year - 2019
  • After the survivors" irrevocable blood oath in It (2017)--and nearly three incident-free decades after the blood-soaked encounter with the demonic shape-shifter, Pennywise the Dancing Clown--the estranged members of the Losers" Club find themselves before a dreadful obligation: to return to Derry and honour their promise. Once again, the brutal murder of an innocent awakens the grisly memories of the past, reuniting the old band of companions, as the nightmarish monster has come back from the shadows of oblivion to terrorise the small town, intent on revenge and slaughter. Now, whether they like it or not, the now-successful Losers must probe deep into the fundamental fears of their troubled childhood, and summon up the courage to bring the terrible creature"s reign of terror to a close. One last battle awaits Derry"s remaining fighters of the supernatural. Will this final confrontation mark the end of the Losers Club, or will it be the end of the dreadful thing they call IT?
  • average rating - 6,7 of 10 Star


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1:47 When class is over but the teacher calls my name. I just saw the movie on Tuesday. BLEW ME AWAY. Pennywise and Eddie"s health bar was all the way low which means they"re no longer existing being God I thought Pennywise was never going to die but few he just killed my favorite character Eddie and Georgie. Now that old lady know she ugly for peeking around the corner like that ??. 3:37 HeLLo ??. It"s so sad when Eddie says Richie while bleeding ????????????????. 0:53 How it feels to chew five gum.

“Being Pennywise passes down through the family or something” No, honey. Thats not how this works lol. Hes a shape shifting thing from outside of our universe. That whole story is a ruse. She IS IT/Pennywise because IT can be whatever IT wants. Pennywise is just ITs favorite form because for some reason kids used to actually like clowns and it was a sure fire way to get a free meal.
The Eddie part almost made me cry like the 3rd time.

IT in Chapter 1: tasty, tasty, beautiful fear. IT in Chapter 2: hey chomp

Pennywise looks like he"s having a stroke in the thumbnail.


I know Pennywise is evil and all, but maybe he kill kids to get revenge on people who made fun of him. The aftermath of that scene Vicky: Gets teleported in Heaven) Huh? What"s that supposed to happen? Angel: No, that evil entity tricked and killed you. Vicky. YAY NO MORE SCHOOL. D.

Patrick Hockstetter was done Justice in his return as a zombie. Though he still had little to no screen time aside from helping break Henry out, that fast crawl he made from under the hospital bed to face Henry from close up, was wickedly awesome, and I think he deserved more as a zombie character. ?? I know it was basically pennywise posing as Patrick"s corpse and all but the director and producers should"ve green-lit more screen time for Owen Teague as zombie Patrick.

Weird creatures coming out of fortune cookies. Me: Looks like a baby to me

Old lady: my father joined the circus them: shows picture my heart : goodbye ??? tell me why tf i just realized she is naked ??. Old lady: smiles for 10 seconds. Me: maybe she"s just Canadian, and was just being nice. Billy will get his brother back. OMG she was so calm when she saw pennywise If i saw it I would scream as much as I can and RUUN. I like when Richie said The F word and the B word its really funny. Im not scared of clowns Naked old ladys on the other hand. Let"s get this out of the way: the first movie is the better part of this two part story. This film is good and it could have been better except for a few things that drag it down. This movie didn"t need to be as long as it is and the editing could have been better in my opinion. It"s definitely slow and repetitive in the middle of the movie since all of the characters have the same stuff happen to them. The movie also didn"t make me scared of Pennywise the way the first movie did. Perhaps it"s the way that CGI is used on his shape for the films ending and it felt a little too much. Overall, a great finale to this story even if it did drag on too much. I"ll give it a 8.1/10.

Its like how pennywise ended up as a giant. I like that clip I like jorjie when he said if I die WE ALL DIE????. Literally no one: Steven King: flips a table. Conjuring timeline/movies: we sp00ky ???? Pennywise/IT: hold my balloon. 1:47 - I love this creepy but beautiful music right here... First people were scared of Ghosts, spirits, and then clowns. NOW PEOPLE WILL BE SCARED OF THEIR GRANDMAS. 1:42 - 1:46 when i see the last chicken nugget. This just proves old people are 100% scarier than clowns. This movie did not disappoint in the least. I have watched it so many times since it was released. Pure art, just amazing. I love the subtle nods of Richie liking Eddie just in the 1st Neibolt scene. He thinks he hears Eddie in the clown room. He says Eddie"s name twice worried about him. He"s trying to console Eddie when Pennywise is marching to them after Bev stabs it telling Eddie to focus on him (Richie.) And Richie snaps Eddie"s arm back into place.





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